Friday, December 19, 2014

Jonas memories

Christmas warmth 
Jonas is beginning to get painful memories. He has also get  good memories like the memory of family and the memory love. Jonas has get ten the memory of poaching. This could affect him a lot on his ordinary life when he sees e toy of the elephant. Jonas helped the giver to get some pain of war. Jonas was shocked and he felt lot of pain. Jonas alsaw now slipped with baby gave and Jonas transmits him memories. Jonas know has the ability to give memories and baby Gabe the ability to Recieve memories.

"Warmth," Jonas replied, "and happiness". And -- let me think. Family. That was a celebration of some sort, a holiday.

This quote makes me think that is important to people in our world to have a family and be secure. It makes think of Jonas like feeling love for someone. I think Jonas community Should have holidays and could live with all their family including grandpas. I also think that Jonas is going to start too see how everything worked on the past and wanted to change it to be the same now.

I think Jonas is going to change with memories and also that baby Gabe will start to grow up with all the memories and will be the new Receiver of memories. When Jonas transmitted the memories to baby Gabe he felt better and it helped him yo sleep. I predict That Jonas is going to make the world no longer sameness by starting to love someone because he doesn't take the pill. I also make a question. Would baby Gabe will have too much knowledge by when he is given to his new family and would he see beyond?

Baby Gabe


  1. Ignacio, I found your blog very interesting and it gave a very good summery of what events have taken place in this last chapters. I liked how you explain your idea and gave and example. I also think that Jonas receiving painful memories will have a big effect and he will not be understood by the rest of the community. I as you predict that he will at least attempt to bring back past ideas and will try to stop sameness. And finally, I am also concerned because in the future people will find out that Gabriel has past memories and this could result in a big issue. I have enjoyed the book very much and want to continue reading it given that it has left me a lot of questions.

  2. Ignacio i really like when you said that Jonas have been given good memories and bad memories .I also like how you explained the quote and i also think the same thing that baby Gabe will be transmited memories.
