Friday, December 19, 2014

Jonas memories

Christmas warmth 
Jonas is beginning to get painful memories. He has also get  good memories like the memory of family and the memory love. Jonas has get ten the memory of poaching. This could affect him a lot on his ordinary life when he sees e toy of the elephant. Jonas helped the giver to get some pain of war. Jonas was shocked and he felt lot of pain. Jonas alsaw now slipped with baby gave and Jonas transmits him memories. Jonas know has the ability to give memories and baby Gabe the ability to Recieve memories.

"Warmth," Jonas replied, "and happiness". And -- let me think. Family. That was a celebration of some sort, a holiday.

This quote makes me think that is important to people in our world to have a family and be secure. It makes think of Jonas like feeling love for someone. I think Jonas community Should have holidays and could live with all their family including grandpas. I also think that Jonas is going to start too see how everything worked on the past and wanted to change it to be the same now.

I think Jonas is going to change with memories and also that baby Gabe will start to grow up with all the memories and will be the new Receiver of memories. When Jonas transmitted the memories to baby Gabe he felt better and it helped him yo sleep. I predict That Jonas is going to make the world no longer sameness by starting to love someone because he doesn't take the pill. I also make a question. Would baby Gabe will have too much knowledge by when he is given to his new family and would he see beyond?

Baby Gabe

Saturday, December 13, 2014

An Equal World

Jonas lives in a perfect world. A world full of happiness and courageous people. No mountains no feeling of cold or warm everything the same. A world where everyone could ride a bike at age of 9. A world filed of jobs some more important than others. A world with  Jonas as the new  receiver of memories. A world were Jonas is getting wisdom and memories. The memories of colors and snow the memories of mountains. Jonas in his new job as the receiver of memories will need to feel pain to understand how past generations lived. A world in wich each person gets chosen his family with really not blood connections. Finally a world of DISTOPIA.


Jonas is the new receiver of memories and he is going to suffer a lot. Jonas has already experience such painful things like sun burn. that is a new thing because he has never be hot or cold. The giver is giving Jonas a lot of memories that  Jonas cant tell to anyone. Jonas now can lie because of his job and he can now stop participate  on the morning dream telling and the feelings.

I am very interest on the book i liked a lot how the author is telling us the story in a way we feel it. I have enjoy this chapters i really dont like reading but this book makes me wonder a lots of things. I have one connection that is with Jonas. Jonas felled pain when he was burning and i hate burning. When i go to the beach and i get burned i can barely sleep because it hurts.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Pollo Blog

The Giver on chapter 5 to 8 is very interesting. At the beginning of chapter 5 at the morning ritual Jonas told his family that he dreamed of Fiona and he was trying to bath Fiona but she doesn't want it because she knew that was not right. On Jonas community when you start stirrings you have to  get some pills so you don't get interested for others. After the ceremony started and all the families were there. The ceremony started with the families getting their babies. When the ceremony of twelve started they called each one that had twuelve. Jonas was number 19. When the elder got 18 he skipped 19 and went to 20. Jonas was so confius but at the end they told him that he was a receiver of memories because he could see beyond. He was nervous so he said that he can't see beyond but after he saw the other people he saw something strange like when he saw the apple.I can feel what Jonas feeler because I have experience that. One time when I was riding horse it was my turn to show up and they skipped me and went to the next one. I feel a little bad because I thought I was no riding more and that I can't show. When I read that Jonas was skipped it bout that be was going to get an important job because of why the elders act. The elders never forget the things and they never make mistakes because they just they are the elders. One prediction I have is that a jona s is going to be the one who receives all the bad things that people do so they don't have to suffer and they could have a better life. He is going to suffer a lot getting all the memories. Finally I really like this book and it's very interesting to read. Go to the link to see a picture because I couldn't put it here sorry!!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Ceremony of twelve The Giver

Jonas is a boy that lives with his family in a community were each family get assigned one boy and one female. they have an important ceremony at the age of 9 and at the age of 12. At the ceremony of twelve each kid gets assigned a job but before you could get assigned a job you have to have volunteer hours. Jonas has hid volunteer hours on many places. Once he went to the old people and they were talking about the realizing that is like when you die or something. This is a really strange society with lots of secrets to tell.

I have a connection from the giver and Truman Show. I think that the Truman show and the giver are very similar on many ways. one thing is that everything is set up on Jonas community and alsaw in Truman life.For Truman there is Christoph that controls everything that Truman does. On the community there is a speaker that talks to the people there. When the pilot started to go close he get released. "When Truman was close to escape he was being said that there is a problem so i think there is a secret there.

Jonas is a  boy that is very nervous about the ceremony of 12. I don't know why he hasn't decided what job he wanted. Another question i have to the book The Giver is kind of a prediction too. Is Gabe something important for Jonas and  for the society. I think that Gabe has a connection with Jonas is somewhere. I alsaw think Jonas is going to find some secrets about his society and Gabe. Read my next blog!!!! This book makes me put my head and focus very good.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

1st blog very exiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I think this book is going to be about a man that became friend with the giver and he realize everything he has lived was good until he learned the truth  of the real world. On the dedicaton page the quote means that the book is for all the children that will became men on later. Its  for you to learn  and alsaw to see what you will have to deal on the future. All the truth will be revealed. One prediction i had was that the giver will tell something to jonas and jonas is going to be very mad and alsaw he would going to b interested and start seeing the giver all days.They are going to became good friends. They will share thoughts and share feelings.