Thursday, November 27, 2014

Ceremony of twelve The Giver

Jonas is a boy that lives with his family in a community were each family get assigned one boy and one female. they have an important ceremony at the age of 9 and at the age of 12. At the ceremony of twelve each kid gets assigned a job but before you could get assigned a job you have to have volunteer hours. Jonas has hid volunteer hours on many places. Once he went to the old people and they were talking about the realizing that is like when you die or something. This is a really strange society with lots of secrets to tell.

I have a connection from the giver and Truman Show. I think that the Truman show and the giver are very similar on many ways. one thing is that everything is set up on Jonas community and alsaw in Truman life.For Truman there is Christoph that controls everything that Truman does. On the community there is a speaker that talks to the people there. When the pilot started to go close he get released. "When Truman was close to escape he was being said that there is a problem so i think there is a secret there.

Jonas is a  boy that is very nervous about the ceremony of 12. I don't know why he hasn't decided what job he wanted. Another question i have to the book The Giver is kind of a prediction too. Is Gabe something important for Jonas and  for the society. I think that Gabe has a connection with Jonas is somewhere. I alsaw think Jonas is going to find some secrets about his society and Gabe. Read my next blog!!!! This book makes me put my head and focus very good.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

1st blog very exiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I think this book is going to be about a man that became friend with the giver and he realize everything he has lived was good until he learned the truth  of the real world. On the dedicaton page the quote means that the book is for all the children that will became men on later. Its  for you to learn  and alsaw to see what you will have to deal on the future. All the truth will be revealed. One prediction i had was that the giver will tell something to jonas and jonas is going to be very mad and alsaw he would going to b interested and start seeing the giver all days.They are going to became good friends. They will share thoughts and share feelings.